Strokes are often physically and mentally challenging. Even after the survivor is stable and ready to return home, a long road often lies ahead with new limitations, many things to relearn, and a level of dependence on others that the person is often unaccustomed to. Family members are often unprepared to take on the challenges of caring for an aging loved one alone. Home Care Assistance of Montgomery, AL, is here to help. Our qualified team of stroke recovery caregivers is well-equipped to help seniors reach their rehabilitation goals. We work with seniors, their family members, and medical professionals to develop individualized stroke care plans to address challenges, needs, and goals. Throughout recovery, we review the care plan and make changes to it as necessary to ensure services remain effective and appropriate.
While there are many choices in stroke rehabilitation settings, home offers some unique advantages that other options cannot. With the right level of professional support, recovering from a stroke at home empowers seniors to:
Throughout recovery, a stroke survivor may sometimes experience setbacks. Recognizing setbacks early is the best way to reduce the chances of experiencing a second stroke, hospital readmissions, and other health concerns. Home Care Assistance Montgomery’s stroke caregivers are experienced professionals. Their training and knowledge prepares them to recognize signs of setbacks, encourage seniors to maintain their highest level of independence, and notify medical professionals immediately should the situation require a higher level of care. Some families find it is valuable to have this level of expertise available to them around the clock, while others use our stroke care on an hourly basis. Whatever a family’s choice, our stroke care plans remain flexible to adapt to changing needs so a senior’s safety is never compromised.
If your loved one has experienced a stroke, take steps to ensure he or she has the support necessary to enjoy a healthier, safer, and more productive rehabilitation. Trust Montgomery Home Care Assistance to help your loved one maintain a high quality of life. Call us anytime at (334) 593-3988 to schedule your complimentary in-home consultation.