5 Breathing Methods for Elderly People Who Have Asthma

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Asthma is difficult to diagnose in older adults, and it can also be dangerous when left untreated. This respiratory disorder often results in acute asthma attacks, lung infections, heart murmurs, and sleep apnea. Seniors can learn a handful of breathing exercises that may reduce their risk of asthma attacks, expand their airways, and strengthen their lungs. 

1. Buteyko Breathing

Much like meditation, the goal of Buteyko breathing is to relax and calm the mind. Most Buteyko experts suggest carrying out these exercises in a quiet and comfortable area, such as a study or bedroom. Sitting upright in a chair, your loved one should begin by slowly inhaling through the nose in short bursts and then exhaling until he or she feels as if all of the air is out of the lungs.

Seniors who want to remain healthy as they age can benefit in a variety of ways when they receive professional in-home care. Home Care Assistance is here to help your loved one accomplish daily tasks, prevent illness, and focus on living a healthier and more fulfilling life.

2. Progressive Relaxation

Many body parts can affect breathing, including all the major muscle groups. Tensed muscles are filled with oxygen-rich blood, and they can put pressure on the stomach and lungs as well. Progressive relaxation helps asthmatics regain control of their breathing by relaxing their muscles. 

Your loved one can perform this exercise by lying down in bed or on a cushioned yoga mat and flexing each major muscle group for around 30 seconds at a time. During this exercise, your loved one should focus on inhaling and exhaling through the nose at a slow and steady pace.

3. Yoga

A study funded by the American College of Sports Medicine found weekly yoga sessions can reduce an asthmatic’s use of rescue inhalers by as much as 43 percent. Many gyms and senior centers offer yoga classes specifically for older adults who would like to enjoy the many benefits of low-impact training programs. In addition to increasing lung strength, these classes can also lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels. Asthmatic seniors should first speak with their doctors before starting any new exercise program.

The body movements and deep breathing involved with yoga can help seniors keep several health conditions at bay. Certain age-related conditions can make it more challenging for seniors to age in place safely and comfortably, but Montgomery live-in care experts are available around the clock to help seniors manage their health. Whether your loved one is living with dementia or recovering from a stroke, you can trust the professional live-in caregivers from Home Care Assistance to enhance his or her quality of life. 

4. Diaphragmatic Breathing

During diaphragmatic breathing sessions, your loved one should try to exhale all the air out of the chest by flexing the diaphragm. These exercises can be done in a chair or bed, and your loved one’s spine should be as straight as possible. If your loved one is doing these exercises correctly, he or she should be exhaling for almost twice as long as he or she is inhaling. The chest should be kept as still as possible so the stomach does most of the work.

5. The Papworth Method

Asthma can be caused by different issues, including breathing through the mouth and subconsciously taking rapid breaths. Seniors who have mild asthma can retrain themselves to take longer breaths through their noses with the Papworth method. This type of exercise is almost identical to diaphragmatic breathing, but your loved one will inhale for a slightly longer period. Some people also do these exercises while walking or doing yoga.

When older adults live with chronic conditions like asthma, it helps to have a professional caregiver around. There are a variety of age-related health conditions that can make it more challenging for seniors to live independently. However, many of the challenges they face can be easier to manage if their families opt for professional elderly home care. Montgomery families can rely on expertly trained caregivers to keep their loved ones safe and comfortable while aging in place. Call Home Care Assistance at (334) 593-3988 to learn more about our flexible and customizable senior care plans.


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