In 2002, a report from the World Health Organization claimed 4 of the 20 countries with the highest life expectancies were in the Mediterranean region (France, Italy, Spain, and Greece). This is likely due in no small part to the diet commonly followed in these areas. In recent years, the Mediterranean diet has become more popular in the United States, and seniors have been discovering some strong health benefits from making the switch. Here are some of the reasons the Mediterranean diet can boost your elderly loved one’s health.
High Fiber Content
The Mediterranean diet is filled with high-fiber foods, such as whole grains, nuts, legumes, and fresh produce. This is especially important for older individuals, who need around 30 grams of fiber per day. Fiber normalizes the digestive tract, lowers cholesterol, controls blood sugar levels, and boosts the immune system.
Preparing nutritious meals can be challenging for some seniors. If your aging loved one needs occasional help with bathing, grooming, cooking, or other basic household tasks, or if you need time to attend to important personal matters, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a leading provider of live-in and respite care. Montgomery seniors can maintain their independence while living at home with the help of our reliable respite caregivers.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Medical issues ranging from cardiovascular disease to arthritis can result from inflamed soft tissue, and some studies suggest the Mediterranean diet reduces inflammation. In addition to anti-inflammatory seafood such as sardines and tuna, this diet is also filled with olive oil. Around 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day can decrease the risk of heart disease by as much as 10 percent.
Low Levels of Processed Sugar
Refined sugar can be found in almost all processed foods, which is why the average American consumes more than 20 teaspoons per day. In larger quantities, refined sugar leaches vitamins and minerals from the body while packing on pounds. The Mediterranean diet eliminates almost all processed sugar and replaces it with healthier options, such as honey. A 2012 study conducted at the University of California revealed refined sugar also negatively impacts a senior’s cognitive abilities.
Switching to a Mediterranean diet is just one of the many ways older adults can boost their health. Seniors who want to remain healthy as they age can benefit in a variety of ways when they receive professional in-home care. Home Care Assistance is here to help your loved one accomplish daily tasks, prevent illness, and focus on living a healthier and more fulfilling life.
Heart-Healthy Elements
According to the CDC, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States. The Mediterranean diet can reduce your loved one’s risk of heart disease by limiting unhealthy fats and increasing his or her intake of plant-based foods. Red wine is another major component of the Mediterranean diet, and this beverage is filled with an important substance known as resveratrol. This unique compound acts as a barrier against bad cholesterol and prevents plaque from building up in the heart and arteries.
A professional caregiver can ensure your loved one eats healthy meals and enjoys a higher quality of life. If your aging loved one needs help managing everyday tasks or encouragement to adopt healthier lifestyle choices, turn to Home Care Assistance, a leading provider of elderly home care. Montgomery Home Care Assistance provides professional in-home caregivers around the clock to help seniors live longer, happier, and healthier lives. If you need professional home care for your loved one, our Care Managers are just a phone call away. Reach out to Home Care Assistance today at (334) 593-3988.