Should I Be Worried about My Older Loved One’s Fever?

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Why Should I Be Worried about My Older Loved One’s Fever in Montgomery, AL

Fevers can sometimes arise in the elderly for mysterious reasons. A fever with unknown origins is sometimes baffling to families and doctors, but there can also be clear causes you can address to help your senior loved one feel more comfortable. You can use this guide to help you know when to worry about your parent’s fever and when you should engage in watchful waiting.

Know Your Loved One’s Baseline Temperature

Some seniors have slightly lower body temperatures than the recognized normal temperature of 98.6 degrees. This means some seniors can have serious fevers even when their temperatures haven’t gone above 100 degrees. Your loved one might also have accompanying symptoms such as chills when he or she gets one or two degrees above his or her normal temperature.

Seek Medical Advice for High Temperatures

A temperature higher than 103 degrees should be reported to your loved one’s doctor, or you may need to take your loved one to the emergency room. This is an emergency situation if your loved one’s temperature is continuing to rise or it fails to respond to fever-reducing medications. With a high temp, you can offer other solutions to help your loved one stay cooler. For instance, you may want to remove any heavy blankets.

Watch for Accompanying Symptoms

Fever usually signals there’s an infection in your loved one’s body. If your loved one has a rash or sore throat or is coughing, he or she may need to see a doctor to find out if there’s an underlying infection that needs to be treated to bring the fever down. High fevers can also cause serious symptoms. A senior who is confused, dizzy, or having severe tremors may need medical attention. Seizures and disorientation along with a fever should be considered an emergency.

If your senior loved one needs help managing an illness or assistance with daily tasks, make sure you choose a top-rated provider of homecare. Home Care Assistance is here to help your loved one live a happier and healthier life in the golden years. From the mentally stimulating activities in our Cognitive Therapeutics Method to our friendly Care Managers who are available to answer your questions 24 hours a day, we offer a wide array of high-quality at-home care services.

Be Concerned about Fevers that Come Back

Your loved one might have a diagnosed illness and a treatment plan that helps him or her recover. In most cases, fevers go away as the body begins the final stages of the healing process. A fever that returns could signal the illness has come back or progressed to a new form. For example, seniors who are recovering from the flu and have been fever free could suddenly have high temperatures if they develop pneumonia.

If your elderly loved one is living with a serious medical condition and needs help managing the tasks of daily living, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a Montgomery at-home care agency you can trust. Our caregivers are available 24/7, there are no hidden fees in our contracts, and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our in-home care services.

Look for Consistency

Body temperature may fluctuate from day to day, and seniors may notice theirs can change within an hour or two. Your loved one’s temperature might be higher than normal after exercising or experiencing a stressful event. If your loved one seems fine otherwise, offer a glass of cool water and help him or her relax. You can then check his or her temperature again to see if it goes down. As a general rule, you should be concerned about a temperature that stays elevated for more than two days without an obvious cause.

Every senior has different needs when aging in place. Some simply need occasional assistance with household chores, while others may be managing a serious illness and require more extensive live-in care. Montgomery seniors can count on Home Care Assistance to provide the in-home care they need and deserve. Schedule a free in-home consultation by giving us a call today at (334) 593-3988.


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