9 Items to Include in Your Older Loved One’s Holistic First Aid Kit

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While many seniors have well-stocked medicine cabinets, it’s often much safer to turn to natural treatments for minor ailments. Family caregivers can build holistic first aid kits for their aging loved ones with these natural items. 

1. Aloe Vera

Many seniors know they can break off a piece of aloe vera plant to ease the pain from a burn. Caregivers can also find aloe vera juice in the pharmacy department at many different stores, and the juice can be rubbed on any skin irritation to bring relief. A drop on the tongue is also a great way to freshen breath.

2. Arnica

Seniors with sore muscles often find relief by rubbing on some arnica cream. Your loved one can also make the sting of an insect bite disappear with the same cream or rub some on chapped lips to make them feel better.

Caring for a senior loved one can be rewarding, but it can also be overwhelming for family caregivers who have other responsibilities they need to focus on. For these families, the perfect solution is respite care. Montgomery families rely on our caregivers whenever they need time to rest, work, run errands, and even go on vacation. 

3. Chamomile

Reduce your loved one’s anxiety by having him or her drink a cup of chamomile tea. Help your loved one get a great night’s sleep by serving some late in the day. Your loved one can also use chamomile to stop tooth pain when he or she cannot get to the dentist. 

4. Activated Charcoal

For centuries, people have used activated charcoal to remove toxins from the body. Make a paste of it and have your loved one brush his or her teeth with it to make them look whiter. A little activated charcoal can also relieve a hangover. 

5. Cayenne Pepper

Food seasoned with cayenne pepper often tastes great, but this powerful pepper has many health benefits as well. It can be used to break up mucus and stop allergies. Seniors with dry mouth often find cayenne pepper helps them produce saliva.

6. Comfrey

Help your loved one stop inflammation with a comfrey poultice. Alternatively, you can alleviate inflammation and its uncomfortable side effects with a cup of comfrey tea.

If you’re the primary family caregiver for an elderly loved one and need additional assistance providing high-quality senior care, Montgomery Home Care Assistance can help. We are a leading home care agency committed to changing the way seniors age.

7. Eucalyptus

Open up the body’s oxygen system with eucalyptus when your loved one has the flu or a cold. Soften rough hands with eucalyptus cream.

8. Ginger

A little ginger often stops motion sickness. It’s also great at alleviating nausea.

9. Peppermint

For years, seniors have used peppermint candy to stop throat tickles. Peppermint oil behind the ears often relieves headaches as well. Your loved one can also rub some peppermint oil on restless legs to get relief. 

Keeping well-stocked first aid kits, including holistic ones, is essential for efficient in-home care. When considering home care, families should make sure their senior loved ones have the resources they need to maintain their independence and remain healthy. Trusted in-home care professionals can assist seniors with daily tasks like cooking, bathing, and exercise, and they can also encourage them to focus on healthier lifestyle habits. We will work with you to create a customized home care plan that’s suited for your loved one’s unique needs. Call the Home Care Assistance team at (334) 593-3988 today.


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